Attention: If you have not won these awards, do not take them!
Awards Group I I have decided to keep only this group of awards. My reasoning? First of all, they are the most well done. Second of all, there are only two complete groups of awards, and the other is not very good. For this and other reasons, I have decided to only keep these awards. If you'd like to make an award group, please feel free, and e-mail it to me. I will definitely use it. If you are a creator of another set, just complete it and send me the remainder, and I will glady use it. However, for now, this is it. If you desperately want to use another set, please e-mail me with the one you'd like and I will send it back for you to save on your server. But I may eat you. Due to recent server problems, the links of these awards have changed - and therefore, if you have previously won an award, use the links to the pictures below and update your links! Also, there are currently a few sets being made. I will post them as soon as they are completed. Thank you.